Monday, December 8, 2014
Nuage/ALU on the VNS Solution in an SP Context
Accelerating time to deployment, enabling differentiation, achieving policy continuity for services and applications from the endpoint to the cloud, and streamlining operations with the same automation and elastic system architecture at every key point in a network deployment aspirations widely pursued by both enterprise IT teams as well as service providers providing cloud and network services to business and enterprise customers. With the introduction of its Virtualized Network Services solution, building on the strengths of its already available Virtualized Services Platform for cloud and virtual data center networks, Nuage Networks is enabling the kind of pervasive agility its enterprise and SP customers have been searching for by bringing the benefits of cloud and virtual infrastructure technologies to enterprise branch and distributed network sites.
Click here to download report of ACG’s analysis of the VNS offering and its contribution to achieving these goals in its Research Note on VNS.
For more information about ACG's SDN services, contact
Paul Parker-Johnson
ACG HotSeat Whiteboard on Nuage Networks: Seamless enterprise networking; data center to branch
Ray Mota, ACG Research, and Sunil Khandekar, CEO, Nuage Networks, discuss how the cloud is changing the way businesses consume and share information: for internal use or for sharing information with customers and business partners.The trouble with the cloud is its not ubiquitous; it is made up of distinct islands of capability. The compute resides in the data center, and the consumers reside remotely.
Nuage Networks has shown that with SDN we can remove the static constraints within and across the data center to unleash the speed of consumption of information within the cloud. We now need to provide the same seamless environment for the branch environment and to improve the dynamic nature of the wide area network.
Click to watch the video.
For more information about ACG's router services, contact
ACG Innovation Spotlight with Rotem Salomonovitch of Nuage Networks
Paul Parker-Johnson, ACG Research, and Rotem Salomonovitch, Nuage Networks, discuss the cloud and how it is changing the way businesses consume and share information. The trouble with the cloud is its not ubiquitous; it is made up of distinct islands of capability. The compute resides in the data center, and the consumers reside remotely, in the offices and branches of corporations or at the households and on the move. In the car, on the train, at the airport (or even on the plane). These users, the consumers of the data in the cloud are mobile and that means this is a global problem.
The fabric that links the information flow across and through the cloud is based on static networking models, models that have not fundamentally changed for over 20 years; technology has evolved but the fundamental architectures have remained the same.
Nuage Networks has shown that with SDN we can remove the static constraints within and across the data center to unleash the speed of consumption of information within the cloud. We now need to provide the same seamless environment for the branch environment and to improve the dynamic nature of the wide area network.
For more information about ACG's SDN services, contact
Paul Parker-Johnson
The Word on Nuage Networks' VNS Solution
Paul Parker-Johnson catches up with Nuage Networks on the strengths of their new Virtualized Networking Services Solution. Find out what he has to say.
For more information about ACG's SDN services, contact
Juniper Networks: Leveraging the Benefits of Virtualization and Automation
Mike Marcellin, senior vice president of strategy and marketing at Juniper Networks, and Ray Mota, CEO of ACG Research, discuss Juniper’s significant new NFV announcements: a carrier-grade virtualized version of its MX Series Edge Router, the vMX, as well as new Contrail Cloud and Junos DevOps capabilities that enable customers to leverage the benefits of virtualization and automation. Service providers' technology, operations, and business model transformations are also key discussion points, as well as customer use cases for Juniper’s new NFV solutions.
For more information about ACG's router services, contact
Forecast of Residential Fixed Broadband and Subscription Video Requirements
Residential fixed broadband usage has evolved from static search and information retrieval to multimedia content delivery on a wide variety of devices. The move from broadcast service, which is multicast across the metro network, to broadband video service, which is unicast, and the use of many more devices in each household will have a massive impact on the required bandwidth capacity of the metro network.
ACG Research presents a five-year projection of average household bandwidth requirements. Average household bandwidth requirements are estimated to be 2.5 Mbps in 2014 and will grow at a five-year CAGR in a range from 19 percent to 44 percent with a most likely value of 31 percent.
For more information on Michael Kennedy, click here.
Contact for more information about ACG's business case analysis services.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Business Case for Virtual Managed Services
Cisco Evolved
Services Platform provides automated, optimized, and personalized services via
orchestrating virtualized network functions running on cloud data center
technology. It allows fast introduction of new services and reduces the TCO of
managed services sales and service delivery processes. Virtual managed services
provided via ESP reduce costs and increase operational efficiency to the point
where service providers can now profitably sell to smaller businesses.
ACG Research compared the
total cost of ownership of the present mode of operations with the virtual
managed service solution for two managed services offerings: 1) Cloud VPN
service, and 2) Security service. It found that operation expenses (opex) were
about 78 percent less for virtual managed service for both offers and that
return on investment (ROI) for both virtual managed services offerings was more
than 200 percent over a five-year planning period. The three largest sources of
reduced opex are elimination of most truck rolls, many onsite maintenance and
installation activities, and minimization of the costs to support onsite
Click for more information about ACG's business case analysis services.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Infinera’s Cloud Xpress: Impressive Contribution to Cloud Providers’ DCI
Growth of cloud-based services shows no real signs of slowing down. This
adoption rate is propelling providers of cloud services to construct new data
center capacity, work to make data centers they already have run more
efficiently and improve how they network their data centers internally.
In early adoption phases of cloud,
there have been two dominant uses of data center interconnection (DCI). First is
for connecting enterprise data centers to service providers’ data centers for
hybrid and public cloud computing services. The second use has been to connect providers’ ecosystem
partner data centers to SPs’ data centers to mash up applications and federate cloud
As usage has grown, though, a new
set of DCI requirements has emerged. These involve connecting providers’ own data centers at very high capacities.
Two scenarios dominate this trend. The first is in metro or nearby data center
connections, and the second is in hyper-scale data centers deployed at great
distances from other sites and running at remarkable scale.
In the first use case operators will
run out of power or space in existing sites and need to create additional
capacity nearby. This can be in a metro area footprint or in an extended
campus. DCI is critical in these deployments because many cloud applications
work in a highly distributed model. They often need access to resources in
neighboring data centers many times over before responding to a single user’s
request. Thus, interconnections need to be simple and fast.
In the second deployment scenario,
hyper-scale operators such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft search for remote
locations where land and power are less expensive and build some of the world’s
largest data centers there to run their services. Server counts in these sites
range from 200,000 to 500,000 or more. The need for integration with systems in
the providers’ other data centers is strong in mega-site deployments as well. This
leads to extremely large capacities of DCI bandwidth being deployed both
locally in clustered DC locations as well as over long haul transport for sites
that are a half a continent or more away.
DCI capacities required in the intra-provider
configurations range from 10s of tb/s in medium-to-large scale sites to several
hundred tb/s in the largest mega-center locations. Because of the ongoing growth
in the use of providers’ services, the unique needs of these DCI deployments
have led to the emergence of a new type of high-capacity DCI solution.
Five requirements define the new
- Efficient and flexible scaling to 100s of tb/s of transport
- Compact, rackable form factors
- Low power consumption
- Simple operation
- Programmability for integration with service automation
Underpinnings of these requirements
A dominant aspect of cloud data
centers is use of infrastructure such as servers and storage systems that are
modest in unit size but able to be pooled in wide ranges of capacity to serve
the needs of application or service. This leads to a bias for systems
installable in compact, rackable form factors that are easy to install and expand,
often leveraging auto-configuration for integration into infrastructures at
very large scale.
Form factor compactness demands low
power consumption. If an individual server consumes, say, 150 watts in ongoing
use, a rack of 40 such servers might consume 6 kilowatts, sustained. A data
center with 100,000 such servers might consume 15 megawatts (approximately
estimated). It’s easy to understand why cloud providers focus on wringing every
possible watt out of solutions they deploy. DCI platforms designed in a more
server-like package (versus a telco office orientation) are likely to consume less
power, perhaps drawing a third less power per rack than alternatives. Across 10
racks’ worth of devices, if 150-200 kilowatts of power can be saved, a solution
is heading in the right direction.
A final objective that fits with
the ability to pool resources goal is to support open, programmable software for
DCI capacity to be dynamically provisioned according to application needs. A
variety of approaches can be taken to achieve this, including plug-ins for
service control software rapidly evolving for use in cloud and virtual
networking infrastructures as well as API toolkits to let large cloud providers
integrate with their own service management platforms. In the end,
programmability to support adaptation to providers’ goals for resiliency, path
allocation, and application-driven solutions are the key requirements.
This new breed of DCI solution
will complement other transport solutions that implement shared network transport
of various types in metro and long haul configurations. The two styles will be
used by providers for different types of connections. Both will be used to
support higher level service requirements for customer, partner, and internal operator
data center connections.
The Cloud Xpress family
introduced by Infinera is an innovative example of the kind of high capacity,
small form factor, programmable DCI platform cloud operators are leaning toward
for their internal DCI deployments. Cloud Xpress is initially targeted for
metro deployments. Leveraging optical innovations Infinera has previously
introduced and engineering them into a platform capable of 20+ tb/s in a single
rack, Cloud Xpress is an impressive contribution to the state of the DCI art. If
trials prove out successfully, Cloud Xpress has every prospect of helping cloud
operators scale out their data center deployments and interconnect them with
the capacity and elasticity they desire.
For more information refer to “Rise of High-Capacity Data Center Interconnect in Hyper-Scale Service Provider Systems.”
For more information about ACG’s
services, contact
Paul Parker-Johnson
Metacloud Adds Versatility and Strength to Cisco’s InterCloud
Among the best promises of the cloud are flexibility in
workload deployment and efficient, scalable orchestration of deployments regardless of location or
underlying infrastructure.
Cisco’s acquisition of Metacloud for integration into its
InterCloud portfolio is an important step toward the InterCloud realizing these
promises. Metacloud adds versatility and strength to the InterCloud
service offering in at least three ways:
1. Metacloud’s innovative OpenStack as a Service solution
allows businesses to deploy private clouds using OpenStack software without needing
to invest in developing in-house OpenStack expertise (because their cloud is
managed by Metacloud as a service). This
is a very powerful way to open up use
of OpenStack software in business private clouds for companies that have not
been ready to make that commitment to date. Although OpenStack is very appealing as a service delivery environment
because of its rich open source community of technical contributors, it is
still relatively young in terms of delivery packaging and integration options
for adopters who do not have the resources to develop that expertise. Making the OpenStack environment available on
an efficiently managed basis by Metacloud as the manager takes the sting out
of adopting OpenStack for many businesses and allows them to concentrate fully
on implementing the applications they’re interested in on a powerful open
software base.
2. OpenStack as a Service, now from the InterCloud,
can be deployed on top of infrastructures other than Cisco’s, in addition to
being deployable on Cisco infrastructure systems (such as UCS and Nexus). This opens up access to the InterCloud
ecosystem for customers without having to meet the criterion of running on
Cisco underlying hardware in every case. In its truest sense, that is a crucial criterion for a serious cloud
computing framework to meet: by being
able to instantiate virtual compute, network, storage, and related applications
in a truly open software environment without regard to specific underlying
hardware implementations (other than that they integrate successfully into the
OpenStack software framework) the flexibility of adoption paths available to
customers for engaging with the InterCloud ecosystem of operators and
application suppliers is multiplied by an order of magnitude. It doesn’t prevent the use of parallel
ACI-based Cisco infrastructure systems. Rather, it opens up the option of using additional infrastructure
environments quickly and efficiently by introducing the managed OpenStack as a
Service framework.
3. By bringing a managed OpenStack solution to its
InterCloud portfolio in support of private clouds, Cisco is laying the
groundwork for extending the InterCloud’s services based on OpenStack to
include hybrid and public services leveraging the OpenStack technology
base. Making this additional
implementation option available to end customers significantly enhances the
versatility and appeal of the ecosystem it is developing.
Time will tell how seamless and robust the OpenStack
additions to the InterCloud portfolio will be. Customers will decide. However,
if one were looking for signs that the InterCloud fabric might have the versatility
and flexibility in deployment options the cloud computing community so highly
values, the Metacloud acquisition would appear to be a compelling signal
heading in that direction.
For more information about ACG's SDN services, contact
Paul Parker-Johnson
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Worldwide Mobile IP Infrastructure Market Continues to Rebound
Wireless is fueling capex, which indicates continued
positive growth in the second half of the year
The Worldwide Mobile IP Infrastructure market grew in 2Q and increased
to $1.25 billion, 9.6 percent quarter over quarter. Evolved Packet Core (MME,
PGW, SGW, and PCRF) also grew this quarter to $123 million, 7.2% quarter over
quarter. Online video continues to fuel mobile data traffic and the industry
expects a tenfold increase in five years.
Cisco continues
to lead in the Worldwide Mobile IP Infrastructure market with nearly 40 percent
share. Tracking its dominance in core routers, Cisco leads the IP Backbone
market with 67.4 percent share. Cisco was number one in Mobile IP Backhaul with
40.3 percent share and in first place in Packet Core with 29.7 percent share. Ericsson holds 2nd place position in Packet
Core (MPC + EPC) with 25.7 percent and 3rd place in total IP Infrastructure
market with 12 percent share. Alcatel-Lucent,
which claims 75+ IP mobile core customers worldwide, is second in the total IP
Infrastructure market with 15.8 percent share.
Mobile spending continues is increasing
globally as carriers in developed countries vie for top billing for fastest
carrier, fueling LTE spending. 3G remains strong and continues to grow as
developing economies upgrade and invest in this technology. Mobile
infrastructure will continue to be a highly dynamic market for the next several
years as vendors and carriers work through new technologies. Vendors will need
to have solid strategies and execution plans in this demanding environment.
For more information about ACG's Mobile IP Infrastructure
services, contact
For more information about ACG's Mobile IP Infrastructure services, contact
Monday, September 15, 2014
2Q Financial Vendor Index Results
ACG Research has released its 2Q
Vendor Financial Index report, which delivers independent information about the
sustainability of a vendor or company to help providers assess the risk of
selecting the right vendor to meet their business requirements and to ascertain
a risk level on the stability of the vendor regardless of technology
For more information about ACG 2Q Research's Vendor Financial
Index click
Contact for more information about the service.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Enlarging the Managed Network Services Opportunity through Virtual CPE
Virtual business CPE has the potential to create a win-win situation for small and midsize businesses and network operators. Small and midsize businesses are trying to develop network-centric business models, but networks present challenges that are beyond these businesses’ managerial and technical capabilities. Read more.
Click for more information about Michael Kennedy.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
First Half Spending Boosts 2Q Router and Switching Market
Service providers are
requiring more capacity because of an increase in mobility and agile cloud
solutions, which are stimulating growth.
Worldwide Carrier Routing & Switching
markets increased revenue 7.0% in Q2 but remained flat 0.0% year over year.
Global capex was up 5% q/q, and IT spending increased 6% q/q. In spite of this
positive growth, ACG Research anticipates a challenging market in the second
half of the year and lower service provider routing spend in Q3 with projects
being pushed out to 2015. “AT&T and Verizon continue to surpass the
industry average for operating margin. AT&T posted 17.2% operating margin
while Verizon posted 24.4%. Many other SPs also saw solid margin gains, which
had a positive impact for service provider equipment vendors in the first half
of 2014,” states Ray Mota, CEO of ACG. “The router market outlook is uncertain
because of architectural transitions, consolidations and larger then expected
spending in the first half. The good news is that projects are not being
cancelled but just pushed out.”
The rise
in fixed broadband traffic and mobile broadband traffic on 3G/4G and LTE
networks will continue to put pressure on providers’ networks. Streaming
residential video is rapidly driving average household bandwidth requirements:
31% CAGR from 2.9 Mbps in 2014 to 7.3 Mbps by 2018. Smart phones, tablet, and
next-generation devices as well as pressure on service providers to provide
content-rich applications will force many service providers to upgrade their
access, aggregation, and core networks, and mobile backhaul.
Q2 Total
Worldwide Carrier Routing & Switching market posted revenue of $2.9
billion. Core Routing revenues were up 3.0% q/q but down 3.8% y/y. Edge Routing
and Switching revenues increased 8.0% q/q and slightly up 1.0% y/y.
reported routing and switching revenue of $603 million, increasing 17.3% q/q
and 2.8% y/y. ALU’s solid quarter in routing is primarily attributed to the
company’s gains in the IP Edge Routing segment, Multiservice edge routing and
mobile backhaul. Cisco posted router and switching revenue of $1.46 billion, flat
-0.05% q/q and -4.3% y-y. Cisco, which had a solid Q1, is transitioning from a
hardware-based revenue to an annuity model, which impacted Q2. Juniper Networks
has router revenue of $579.8 million, increasing 12.2% q/q and 12.5% y/y.
Juniper continues to focus on launching new products and initiating cost
reductions to drive growth. With software defined networking gaining traction
as a solution for deployment, Juniper expects to capitalize on the anticipated
increase of SDN and network
function virtualization.
- Data center
interconnect is a vital part of the service provider edge; 6% of the
overall edge market is dedicated to data center interconnect.
- Operators are
more focused on the drivers in the edge of the network. The outlook for
routers: the edge segment, which is projected to reach $12.2 B in 2018, is
three times the size of the core router market, which will increase $3.3
billion in 2018.
- Service providers
are struggling with both internal and external challenges: rapid
technology adoption, ongoing support for legacy technologies,
heterogeneity of technologies and multivendor networks. External
challenges include loss of high-margin legacy services, over-the-top
providers, low-cost providers, regulations, increasing traffic, and
competition from their own suppliers.
For more information contact
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Business Case for NFV/SDN Programmable Networks
ACG Research analyzes three programmable High-IQ network use cases that were created by Juniper Networks. The analyses show the benefits derived from the deployment of programmable networks for service providers. A cloud customer premise equipment and virtual firewall (vCPE) use case replaces physical CPE with a simple on-premise Ethernet device and moves IP virtual private network and firewall functions to the cloud. This produces a 36 percent five-year net present value increase as compared to the physical CPE solution. A real-time network self-optimization use case replaces manual traffic engineering processes. This produces a 27 percent five-year total cost of ownership savings compared to the manual processes. An elastic traffic engineering use case for a national all IP core network demonstrates the advantages of an SDN solution as compared to the present mode of operations. The SDN solution reduces bandwidth and associated link capital expenses by 35 percent while maintaining all network service level agreements.
For more information about ACG's business case analysis services, contact
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Demand for All Things Video, the Implications
Although video has transformed
public and private networks and continues to drive network deployments it also dwarfs
all other network traffic types, for example, Netflix can account for upwards
of 40 percent of local Internet traffic. The massive amount of bandwidth
required drives the need for capacity in all parts of the end-to-end network. If
you solve this problem for video all other traffic, voice, email, web and even
IoT benefits as well.
Consumers have an unending
appetite for all things video. They are watching TV shows, movies, YouTube,
Vines, Facetime or Skype on every device they have. Advertisers are
increasingly moving to video ads and away from static banners. Truly live TV is
exclusively sports and news. Appointment TV is a thing of the past. Everything
is becoming on demand.
The implications of these trends
cannot be underestimated. Not only do they impact all aspects of the
telecommunication and Internet ecosystem, they impact the movie and television
industries in a major transformation way. As these businesses struggle to adapt
to overwhelming innovative forces they only know one thing for certain: They
don’t want video assets to go the way of music.
Service providers, facing a
hypercompetitive zero-sum market, are attempting to adapt and upgrade their
physical networks, data center, core, metro and access to support video
traffic. The race to 1Gbps per home is well underway. Back office systems are
adapting as well. Marketing departments are creating new service bundles with
higher data caps and source funded noncap traffic, such as taking an order to
sending a bill, all of which need to be supported. Legal departments are
impacted too. Issues such as net neutrality, asymmetrical interconnects, must
carry and spectrum acquisition are just of few of the array of legal issues
facing service providers globally.
Mobile operators are in no way
immune from video. As they address their
coverage and capacity issues video traffic is front and center. More smart
phones mean more handheld video screens, which use more bandwidth and have much
longer connection times. Here too, all aspects of the mobile operators business
are impacted. Small cell deployments, WiFi integration and SON plus the emerging
requirements of 5G must address the demand for video.
Video might just be a lot of ones and zeros, but the impact of massive amounts of video is disrupting the entire telecommunication industry. It is safe to say that decisions made by the entire ecosystem, service providers, equipment vendors, software vendors, semiconductor vendors, must address the onslaught of video traffic.
Video might just be a lot of ones and zeros, but the impact of massive amounts of video is disrupting the entire telecommunication industry. It is safe to say that decisions made by the entire ecosystem, service providers, equipment vendors, software vendors, semiconductor vendors, must address the onslaught of video traffic.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Cisco NCS 6000: Building Converged and Application Intelligent Networks
To address its increasing traffic growth on its
fixed and wireless networks, Telstra recently announced it will utilize the
Cisco NCS 6000 platform in its network. Driving this need—which is not limited
to Telstra—is the growing demand for cloud services, video and media services.
Service providers are looking for cost-efficient solutions that address this
growth as well as solutions that scale for the Internet of Everything and M2M networks.
Why the Cisco NCS 6000? Although other products
enable intelligence on the network, Cisco differentiates by offering a solution
that gives providers a programmable and intelligent network. The NCS 6000 has 1
TB/s per slot line cards with 10 port 100GE line, offering high density that can decrease
the per unit cost for data transported, which results in a smaller/lower carbon footprint.
This unit decrease further supports Telstra’s “green goal” of reducing its
carbon footprint.
When looking to build a converged
network, it makes sense that Telstra would turn to Cisco, its trusted partner.
The company has been using Cisco’s products in the core and is also a strategic
partner for new cloud services. The NCS 6000 will provide Telstra with a
platform to build an intelligent network that dynamically enables new products
and services within the network.
For more information about ACG Research's services, contact
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Demand for Security Solutions Driving Consistent Market Growth
The total available market for Worldwide security solutions is projected to increase from $16.3 billion to more than $25 billion by 2018 (CAGR 9.1 percent). Market growth is being driven across multiple segments by increasing complexity and sophisticated nature of security threats. Additionally, mobility, cloud and the evolution of the Internet of everything are changing the IT security landscape, creating opportunity for those vendors that present a multifaceted approach to protection.
ACG Research anticipates a further melding of the vendor and product landscape as security continues to cross over from discrete point solutions to all encompassing product portfolios. New and innovative solutions have and will continue to instigate a shift in how firms think about their security. This is particularly true when it comes to mobile device management. Increased mobile device penetration, bring your own device and consumerization of IT are driving the demand for sophisticated infrastructure to accommodate a mobile environment where employees have secure access to corporate data. ACG Research forecasts double-digit growth of more than 17% across this segment.
For more information about ACG's security services, contact
Friday, July 11, 2014
Programmable Carrier Networks: A New Architectural Approach
Programmable carrier networks, a new, eclectic, emerging architectural approach, incorporate concepts such as SDN, NFV, shared mesh protection, path computation element protocol and cloud computing concepts and blends them with established transport, switching, routing and network management techniques. The objective of this merger is to overcome the barriers created by traditional network architectures that carriers are encountering as they try to accommodate high and volatile traffic volumes and unpredictable traffic patterns as well as respond to the innovative business models of cloud-based and OTT service providers.
Click here to read more. For more information about Michael Kennedy, click here.
Monday, July 7, 2014
IoT B2B Ecosystem: How Can SPs Retain Their Maximum Share?
The OneM2M joint standards groups
partition the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem by access domain, network domain
and application domain. Within these domains the service providers (SP), specifically
wireless SPs, are in the network domain and are responsible for the operational
and business system services of the devices (OSS/BSS), for example, SIM
provisioning, monitoring and management of the device over the “air,” routing
traffic from the device to backend systems and applications or to other devices
in the network, billing and recording of device activity based on bandwidth
usage or further analytics associated with the application deployed. In a legacy
machine to machine (M2M) scenario the value chain for the SP was clear; however,
with the new IoT ecosystem this and business models have changed. How can SPs
obtain the most value and retain reasonable financial margins within today’s
IoT ecosystem?
Traditional M2M Business Models
Established M2M business models,
which are limited in scope and structured, were quite clear and the revenue
share among the domains was evenly distributed and predictable. Leading SP network
operation field specialists acknowledge that the device provider, network provider
and the application provider each receive one-third of the revenue. A customer would request a defined service,
such as a fleet/asset tracking service, from the service provider who most
likely had a purpose-built solution. Depending on the quantity of assets that
needed to be tracked, the service provider would know precisely how many unintelligent
devices and SIMs to purchase from his device supplier, servers from the network
provider and software packages to order from the applications provider. The SP would
be responsible for provisioning its custom OSS/BSS systems and application
services and provide the management. The customer would pay for the devices and
software licenses upfront and either pay the SP per connection or by bandwidth usage.
The device and software vendors would require a maintenance fee, which the SP
would pass on to the customer. This is now an obsolete business model.
Present M2M/IoT Business Models
In the new M2M/IoT ecosystem SPs’
role and business models have changed. According to Network specialists, the
device vendor gets around 20 percent; the network provider gets 15 percent and
the application provider gets 65 percent. The new enhanced M2M devices have
advanced processors that make them more intelligent, aware and thus more
valuable. Because of enhanced hardware and firmware these devices can be
embedded with antennas that can speak directly to the internet via 3/4G
cellular or via WiFi routers. In most cases the radio access portion of the network
domain has not been upgraded (2G or 3G wireless) so the expense is less. SPs
use OSS/BSS platform partners because the OSS/BSS layer must be enhanced to
accommodate the intelligent access devices. Application layer services are
leveraged between application platform providers’ partnerships. These providers
employ their own device, storage, cloud suppliers and application designers. To
compete SPs have to engage in various business arrangements and complex
strategic alliances with equity interests and exclusivity clauses. The negative
effect is revenue fragmentation; however, providers can charge the customer
more and thus raise the overall average revenue per unit. In this fragmented
and crowded environment, how can the SPs continue to earn their full value?
Service Provider-Centric Use
To earn their full value in the
M2M/IoT ecosystem, SPs have to select their verticals and use cases very
carefully. What are the characteristics of a monetizable use case for SPs? Service
providers must adopt use cases that require a highly managed infrastructure and
within these verticals should be mission critical and/or life dependent as well
as wireless connectivity. These use cases will warrant more liability and
require more regulatory demands but will enhance the importance of the SP’s
network. The SP will maintain the value in the IoT ecosystem and customers will
pay premium for the enhanced quality service. The following are examples of
service provider-centric vertical use cases:
- Healthcare: Remote heart/lung/brain monitoring for patients in transit; remote surgical services (monitoring/surveillance)
- Transportation: Fleet/Asset tracking services where environmental controls for cargo/livestock need monitoring; telemetry (driverless vehicles); highly critical vehicle diagnostic monitoring and proactive resolution services
- Manufacturing: Airborne robotic devices; off-shore mobile device control and monitoring services
- Utilities: SCADA monitoring and proactive purification services for gas, water, soil, etc.
- Government: Surveillance of mission-critical items; disaster recovery bots
- Telecommunications: Banking processes and monitoring in remote areas
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Residential Broadband, Video Usage Drives Operators to Redesign Their Metro Networks
Residences' move from viewing broadcast TV to Internet TV and businesses' pervasive use of rich multimedia content and cloud services are forcing service providers to re-architect their metro networks. The resulting network designs are bringing network content and intelligence closer to end-users. Click here to find out why.
For more information about Michael Kennedy, click here. To read more articles, click here.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
IoT In Perspective, Ready for Reality?
Kevin Ashton, cofounder of the
Auto-ID Center at MIT that created the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
global standard, is credited with the expression “Internet of Things,” envisioning
a “system where the internet is connected to the physical world via ubiquitous
sensors.” His vision in 1999 is not far from today’s reality. Technology has
advanced to a point where almost anything can be “sensor-ized” to collect,
store and transfer data. Interestingly enough, RFID tags were designed to
categorize, itemize and quantify things. Hence the question, how big is the IoT
market today?
Views in the market are that it
is difficult to quantify simply because the concept is too broad and connections
are hard to evaluate. Clearer explanations as to what a “connection” is within
the IoT sector needs to be defined further. Nevertheless, some companies have
generated numbers. Cisco made an attempt to embrace the concept within the
explanation of the “Internet of Everything”. Using “Value at Stake” the
worldwide market size was predicted to be $14.4 trillion in 10 years, where 45%
or ~ $6,480 billion was attributed to machine to machine (M2M) connections. This
is particularly interesting to service providers (SPs) because they will own
these connections. If we analyze this number linearly, then for one year, the
expectation for the worldwide M2M market size is about $648 billion.
Source: Cisco IBSG, 2013; Note: To make the numbers work, the
actual IoE should be $14.160 trillion.
But what is the potential value
per connection in a year? Revenue estimates for SPs and total cost of ownership
(TCO) evaluations for customers are definitely of interest. The total number of
M2M cellular connections last year was around 132 million. Thus: $648 B/1 yr x
1 yr/132M connections = $4,909/connection in a year (~ $409 per month).
Last year (August 2013) the top
number of M2M connections for U.S. companies:
Service Provider
M2M Connections (Millions)
Revenue(M) (Yr: $4909/conn)
AT&T Mobility
Therefore, if the potential
values are in the correct order of magnitude for M2M, (not considering the CAGR
sifts, etc.), then the increase in connections because of IoT will essentially
bring increased revenue to SPs. Is that really true? Much of the margin depends
on the revenue shared between the SP’s platform partners as well.
IoT Platforms: The M2M/IoT platforms that are being deployed—some
have taken several years to develop—have several vendors within their ecosystems.
Bigger SPs had to partner with these platform providers to enter the M2M/IoT
market quickly. The following are platform providers for the major U.S.:
Service Provider
Platform Provider
Engagement Year
Jasper, Axeda
2009, 2012,
Zelitron SA, Qualcomm, nPhase, Axeda
2003, 2010, 2010, 2011
T-Mobile (now part of Sprint)
Raco Wireless
What kinds of business partnerships
have the SPs made with these platform providers? What are the present revenue sharing
models and who owns the customers in these scenarios? To what key verticals and
monetizable use cases do SPs need to turn their solutions to maximize their
profits within these partnerships? For example, what percentage of that monthly
revenue of $409 actually goes to the SPs? Can a customer transfer between SP/PP
solutions and expect a seamless experience? These are not new questions;
however, the issues are still here and need to be explored again with fresh
eyes since the technology and market landscape is changing.
For example, virtualization within
the core of SPs; networks are giving new agility, efficiency and
interoperability choices. Equipment providers such as Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent,
Juniper and Cisco are developing innovative software defined networks- and network
fabric virtualization-based appliances in software and hardware to assist SPs
in revolutionizing their core OSS/BSS delivery platforms and edge Radio Access
Network facilities to rapidly and easily create solutions that can propel the managed
M2M/IoT industry forward and fight off over-the-top competition.
What’s the bottleneck? It is not
the technology but the ability of the industry to cooperate in normalizing the
horizontal layer of the network (actually where the platform providers sit) to
serve the verticals appropriately. One of the answers is to urge the standards
bodies to more aggressively converge ideas toward this end. OneM2M, the Global
Partnership developing standards for M2M communications enabling large-scale implementation
of IoT, is in the process of spearheading this effort. However how are they
doing with the specification normalization?
In reviewing the OneM2M Technical
Report Doc # oneM2M-TR-0003-Architecture_Analysis_Part_2 it is clear that the seven
Standards Developing Organizations are well on their way toward integrating a
basic framework of functional elements that will prove invaluable in
normalizing the playing field. These types of specifications will assist the
platform and equipment providers technically so they can clearly see how to
design solutions to help the SPs deploy more economical and simpler solutions
to the market to effect better results or “outcomes.” The OneM2M 10th
Technical Plenary committee met in Berlin, Germany, on 4/11/14 and confirmed
that it will be releasing its initial complete specifications for IoT in August
Dennis Ward
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